What is the work that keeps working for me once it’s done?

There are so many ways you could spend your time – and this question helps you identify (and prioritize) the highest-leverage opportunities.

The Question

"What is the work that keeps working for me once it’s done?"

Why We Love It

This question helps you prioritize different opportunities.

There are so many ways you could spend your time – and this question helps you identify (and prioritize) the highest-leverage opportunities.


James Clear spoke to Ryan Hawk on the Learning Leader Show:

"The highest-leverage stuff that I do is work that continues to payoff for me after that hour is spent. As an example, the book came out, and I did a bunch of interviews. Some of the interviews were on radio and some were podcasts. I don't really do radio interviews anymore because as soon as we get off the air, the work that I just put in vanishes. But a podcast gets recorded...and I've done 200 of them now, so there's someone somewhere listening to an interview I gave right now. It's almost like there are multiple versions of James out there and my previous work is still working for me."


James Clear is an American author. Clear is the author of the book Atomic Habits, which has sold over 15 million copies worldwide in multiple languages.

His work has also been highlighted in notable publications, including The New York Times, Forbes, and Time.

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